H1 returns home on Saturday

The men of Haspe returns home on Saturday against Citybasket. With 3 games remaining in the season we look to finish the season on a positive note and it starts on Saturday. Some guys suffered minor injuries in practice this week but hopefully everyone is ready and fit comes Saturday. 

Citybasket is a really good team and when the whole team is clicking can score a lot of points quick. It was a close game the 1st time we met, but since then they have brought in new imports that makes them even more dangerous.  Important for us is to match their energy early on. In the last 2 games I think our energy and effort was bad and we got off to really slow starts. After a good week of practice I am sure the guys will be ready.

Tipoff 19:00 Rundsporthalle Haspe 

Über SV HASPE 70

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