Haxa Cup Part 2 on Sunday

After a success part one of the Haxa Cup, the men look to get their second Haxa Cup victory on Sunday. Playing against a TSV Hagen team who beat us in the first preseason game. 

After our best week of practice so far this season, I look forward to the last preseason game of the season. We are getting closer to season form. I feel we are improving and starting to play better together. Oscar will not play tomorrow after suffering an ankle sprain, look forward to him returning to the team. Still hard to see our full potential but we are moving in a great direction. Look forward to have a full roster one day. His spot will give some young guys a chance to step up.

Important for us like always is to take care of the ball. Against a very good team like TSV, we will not have a chance if we commit turnovers. I believe the guys will be focused from the start and take care of business tomorrow. 

Über SV HASPE 70

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