Little chance against top team Munster

Munster- SV70 95:62

The men had little to no chance against Munster on Saturday night. Munster is #1 in the league standing and we find ourselves at the bottom. Munster showed why they are #1 in the league. They played very physical defense from the start and it was too much for us to handle. They was focused from the beginning and only allowed us to score 11 point in the 1st quarter. 

We had opportunities but against the aggressive defense we was not able to finish plays. Their aggressive defense forced us to 22 turnovers and no team has a chance against Munster with 22 turnovers. We did not have the focus from the beginning and we will have to do a better job going forward.

Going into the 2nd half of the season, I see a lot of progress, but we are still not where we need to be. Still lots of work to do if we want to stay in the league. We have to find the right group of guys who are only about the team and willing to do whatever it takes to make the team better. Look forward to a great week of practice as we prepare for Dusseldorf on Saturday.

Scoring: Fouhy 14, Lewis 13, Bampoulis 10, Luchterhandt 8, Kiknadze 6, Braun 5, Spitale 4, Wasielewski 2, Braun, Stockey, Toptan

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