Great home win for u16

SV 70 – BBG 101-59 

Last home game for the season was the best game of the season for u16 on Saturday. This was in my opinion the best the guys have played all season long. It was totally a team effort and the guest had no chance at all from the start.

With only two games left it is easy to lose focus but the was not the case for u16. From the start the guys came out focused. The defense was great and when we got steals or rebounds we played great fast break basketball on offense. Leon and Max did a great job playing team basketball and passing the ball when other guys was open. 

Jonah was the MVP of the game. He played great pressure defense and did a great job attacking the basket on offense. He scored a season high 13 points and only miss one short. First game of the season where 4 players scored 10 or more points. Great team effort now the guys look to finish the last game of the season in Iserlohn next Saturday.

Scoring: Sander 13, Keil 4, Spiljar 2, Hoppe 9, Wagener 36, Salgueiro 2, Rietz 10, Obrebski 25, Keil

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