Hasper Ladies with their first loss

BC Langendreer – SV70 66: 39 (13:13, 19:6, 13:12, 21:8)

Last Saturday the Hasper Ladies faced the conference leader BC Langendreer abroad. With a strong start the team of Coach Martin challenged the host in the first quarter. That lead to a 13:13 tie after the first ten minutes. An unconcentrated second quarter by our ladies resulted in to many turnovers, allowing Langendreer easy points. 20 points down, with a score of 39:19, the team went into halftime break. At the beginning of the second half the team showed great defensive action and was able to get steals which they unluckily could not turn into points. In the final part of the game the ladies became more exhausted and were not able to keep up with their opponent who continued to score. The game ended with the final score of 66:39.

All together the team showed great effort but there is still some work ahead of us.

Nina 3, Caddy 2, Katharina, Miri 1, Maje 2, Lisa, KK, Theresa 11, Natascha 2, Laura 10, Samer 8

Game report written by Benita (Teammate SV70 Ladies)  – Well done!

Über Martin Wasielewski

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