Must Win game for H1

Tough game on Saturday evening for H1 against a very good Herten team. This is a must win game for us, we have to win this game and the team should approach the game this way. Herten is a very good team, with very good imports and a very good coach. They beat us early in the season in Herten, but it was our 2nd game of the season and on a short weak. We are 0-1 for the 2nd half of the season and our goal is to be better than we was the first 13 games of the season. Trying to focus only on the team in front of us and that is Herten now.

Tip off 19:00 RSH in Haspe, last game of the year. Hope all the fans come and support as we go for the 2nd win of the season. In hopes of turning the season around and bringing more wins to Haspe.

Über SV HASPE 70

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