Tough lost at home for u16

U16- BG Dorsten 58: 75 (22:16, 8:21, 13:25, 15:13)


In the the last game of the season the guys showed heart fighting for 40 minutes. Playing with only 7 players the guys played against the league champs and fought a good game for the most part. In the end the champs was too strong and we couldn’t match their energy for the whole game. That was the difference in the game, we hard a strong start but I think we got a little tired in the end.

In the 1st quarter we started the game great. Our on ball defense and help side defense was great. The guys did a good job rebounding and playing fast and at the end of the 1st we had a 22:16 lead. The guys was aggressive and played really good team basketball. In the 2nd quarter we continued to play good but we missed a lot of easy lay ups that we made in the 1st quarter. We only scored 8 points and missed maybe 10 or 15 lay ups. I thought our defense was still pretty good, Dorsten was a much bigger team but the fought hard to keep the game close.

After half time I told the guys to relax and have fun. I thought they put too much pressure on themselves and it led to frustration. We continued to fight but I think we just ran out of energy late in the game. Everyone got a chance to play and we still was happy at the end because everyone gave 100%. 

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