Haxa Cup Part One was a success

SV70- Deutzer TV 78: 62

Part 1 of Haxa Cup 2017 was a successful event for the men of SV70. Deutzer TV finished in 1st place last season and it showed in the first quarter.  First year coach Mario Kynasoglou had his guys focused winning the first quarter 16:17. We missed a lot of open shots that I believe we will make next time. We have to take care of the basketball. Defense was good, we got great ball pressure from our guards. 
Second quarter I think we was able to play faster. We got steals and was able to get easy lay ups. Still missed a lot of shots but our defense kept us in the game. Offense still needs a lot of work but we are moving the ball better. Guys are playing good team basketball. We still need more practice time together. At the break we had the lead 37:29.
The second half was better we finally made shots but still have to take care of the basketball. Against a better team we have to play better but we did enough to win. Fourth quarter was our best quarter scoring 28 points.
Scoring: Lewis 35, Paulsen 11, Toptan 10, Kiknidze 8, Fouhy 5, Braun 4, Micanovic 3, Bampoulis 1, Spital 1, Wasielewski, Stockey

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