Close Win in Dortmund for u16

TVE Barop: SV70 62- 65

It was a great team win on Saturday for u16. We started the 1st quarter with bad defense and TVE scored 20 points in the first quarter. First game after a break is always difficult but the guys found a way to win.

At halftime the score was 35-30 for TVE. The guys played better team basketball on offense but defense was still bad. In the 3rd quarter defense was great and TVE only scored 12 points and the score was 47-47. 

Team basketball was important again in the 4th quarter. With two players out of the game with 5 fouls other players stepped up and help win the game. The guys are training hard and deserve to win.


Scoring: Wagener 20, Salgueiro 2, Rietz 3, Obrebski 22, Kalkbrenner 18, Sander, Keil, Alioglu, Hoppe, Spiljar, Keil, 

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