Big win in Recklinghausen for u16

CBR: SV70 79:88

With 2:00 minutes left in the game and Leon and Max on the bench with 5 fouls u16 made big free throws to ice the game in Recklinghausen. The guys played really good against a very good team. Recklinghausen is not an easy place to play at. The defense was not the best but the team showed that they can also score points against good teams. And with two of the top players fouled out others stepped up to help the team win. Great win before the school break. 


Wagner 36, Obrebski 23, Salgueiro 11, Kalkbrenner 12, Keil.M 4, Keil.E 0, Hoppe 0, Sander 0, Spiljar 0, Rietz 2

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