Home loss for u16

U16- TUS 61:82 (16:31, 14:18, 17:12, 14:21)

First game back since the Easter break ended with a lost for u16. We have a lot of good monent where we played really good and more time where we could not handle the guys from TUS. The visitor was a much bigger team and we could not handle them for 40 minutes. In the 3rd quarter we played our best defense and got the lead down to 4 but foul trouble cause our only big guy to sit down. The visitors was just too big and hurt us all game on the rebounds. When we are really focus and fighting we showed we could play with them but over the whole game it was just too much. We have to work harder this week on help side defense and help side defense. Still happy with how the guys fought the whole game.

Scoring: Siewert 17, Rietz 17, Hoppe 11, Priebe 7, Keil 4, Obrebski 3, Sander 2, Holtmann, Bakis, Hanusa

Über SV HASPE 70

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